Audits and Inspections

What To Do If You Are Audited

From time to time, a state or federal agency will notify you to submit to audits and inspections. Sometimes you must send information via email and sometimes they will set a date to come in person.

In either case, as soon as you are notified, you'll need to call us and let us know when the audit is and send us a copy of the notification. We will then help you prepare any documents related to your drug consortium program for your audit.

In order for us to assist you you must follow these steps:

  • Contact us immediately and let us know about the audit and when you must be ready.
  • Forward a copy of the actual documents detailing the audit being conducted.
  • We will need a minimum of one week prior to your audit to review your account and prepare you documents (provided you did what was required on your end).
  • The earlier you contact us the more time you'll have if there are any steps you still need to take to get ready.
  • Warning: If you contact us with 24 hours of an audit we will charge you a expedited audit assistance fee of $100 to assist you.

Here are some audit survival tips

Tip #1    Relax, you know what they want so be ready

The first thing to realize is that the DOT is mostly interested promoting safety on the highways. They really aren't looking to pass out fines. They want to see a "good faith” effort on your part to comply with the regulations. They know that you probably don’t like being scrutinized by the government but it makes their job (and your chance to avoid fines) much better if you show a good attitude and make it as easy as possible.

Tip #2   They're in a hurry so be ready and organized

You usually get a notice that you'll be audited with a list of what they'll be looking for weeks beforehand. Inspectors are in a hurry and don't like waiting around for you to hunt for what they asked for in advance. Wasting their time may cause them an itchy pen-finger for writing fines.