Post Accident Guidance

Post Accident Guidance

Please follow this link to read this document giving you the rules for doing post accident drug and alcohol screening first.

It's important that you get any required post-accident screening done within the time frame described by the DOT regulations. If you cannot you will be required to explain if your audited why you couldn't get it done within the time frame required by the DOT regulations.

If you can reach (weekdays 8-5 CST) call us and we will help you find and/or set up a drug screen for you. 

If you cannot reach

  • Google the zip the driver is in to find a local hospital. Hospitals are the most likely to be open, do both types of DOT screening needed, and be able to do the screening with authorization from you even if the driver doesn't have one of your drug screen forms (CCFs) or an electronic testing order set up by
  • If the driver is local you can send them with one of the drug screening forms (CCFs) that were sent to you after you started with us and request a DOT post-accident drug screen collection and DOT breath or saliva alcohol screening be done as well. 
  • Please contact us to let us know if using one of the CCFs immediately!
  • Call the hospital first and make arrangements with them before the driver comes in. 
  • They will likely require financial information and for you to send them a letter with the driver CDL info and your authorization to do the drug and alcohol screens and bill your company for them. 
  • Have them send results to your company not to
  • If the driver has one of your drug screen forms (CCFs) the collection site/hospital they should only bill you for the urine collection and alcohol screen. If the driver doesn't have one of your drug screen forms (CCFs) then the hospital will need to be paid for the full drug screen and breath alcohol screening.
  • If the driver doesn't have one of your drug screen forms, make sure to send a copy of the drug screen result to us. Email copies of post-accident results to

If the required screening is not completed in time:

  • If a required alcohol test could not be completed within 2 hours, prepare and maintain on file a record stating the reason a test was not promptly administered. 
  • If a required alcohol test could not be completed within 8 hours, cease attempts to administer the test and prepare and maintain the same record described above.
  • If a required drug test could not be completed within 32 hours, prepare and maintain on file a record stating the reason a test was not promptly administered. 
  • Employers may be required to submit post-accident records to FMCSA if requested. 
  • Drivers must remain readily available for testing until it is concluded whether testing will be required. This shall not be construed to require the delay of necessary medical attention for injured people following an accident or to prohibit a driver from leaving the scene of an accident to obtain assistance in responding to the accident or to obtain emergency medical care. 
  • Employers are required to provide drivers with necessary post-accident information, procedures and instructions, prior to the driver operating a CMV. 

Use of Law Enforcement Post-Accident Testing: 

In lieu of administering a post-accident test, employers may substitute a test administered by on-site police or public safety officials under separate authority. The employer is allowed to substitute a blood or breath alcohol test and a urine drug test performed by such local officials, using procedures required by their jurisdictions. This may be particularly useful if that test can be administered before the employer can get to the scene. The employer must obtain a copy of the test results.